Snowy Salento

Smiley, snowy bistro set in Salento! The Salento region of Puglia is usually associated with sunshine, wine and beautiful beaches but the past few days, it has been covered with about 20cm of soft, powdery snow. Snowy Salento is rarely uttered by the locals, in fact many Italian’s under the age of thirty have never seen this amount of snow before. There was plenty of the white stuff for everyone to enjoy and they certainly did just that! I saw beautiful snowmen or ‘Pupazzo di neve’ as the Italian’s say, and kids of all ages throwing snowballs!

Snowman in Salento
Pupazzo di Neve

It is said that if it snows before the New Year, then this will bring good luck for the forthcoming year. So this year I think it’s going to be a great year, as I have taken onboard all the Italian good luck traditions: wearing red underware on New Years Eve, sampling the smallest amount of ‘Zampone and Lenticchie’, and I have enjoyed playing in the beautiful snowy Salento, something I might not get to experience for another 30 years or so!

Happy New Year to you all! May 2015 be a fantastic year for everyone!

Here is a small selection of photos from snowy Salento!

The White City of Ostuni, even whiter than normal!
The White City of Ostuni… Even whiter than before!
Trullo in the snow
Trullo in the snow
Little white dog in the snow
My dog, Vito in the snow

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